Friday, 3 July 2015

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2001/02 #KATS2015

Project Title: Clinical Legal Education
Project Leader(s): Sally Sheldon and Brian Simpson

Project Aims:
  • To provide students with ‘hands-on’ experience of the law in action 
  • Expose students to ‘alternative’ types of legal practice 
  • Links University with local community 
  • Adds to attraction of Keele law programme 
  • Provides Citizens Advice Bureau with assistance in their workload

Creative Commons License
Clinical Legal Education by Sally Shelson and Brian Simpson, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Widening Access for a Typical Student
Project Leader(s): M.Ironside

Project Aims:
  • To establish a network including FE providers, OCN, and TUC. 
  • To encourage progression of mature adults from FE to HE. 
  • To provide FE students with an opportunity to sample HE. 
  • To organize a weekend residential school.
Widening Access for a Typical Student - Final Report

Creative Commons License
Widening Access for a Typical Student by M.Ironside, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.