Friday, 24 July 2015

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2002/03 #KATS2015

Project Title: Developing a CSP Module on Critical Thinking
Project Leader(s): Giuseppina D'oro

The module is designed to guide development in a range of basic thinking and reasoning skills and to provide students with the skills which are essential to proper presentation, analysis and criticism of arguments. Students will be asked to apply these critical and analytical tools to historical and contemporary examples. The module will equip students with skills that are of paramount importance in philosophy but which are also a) an indispensable part of good practice in any academic discipline and b) valuable to potential employers.

Creative Commons License
Developing a CSP Module on Critical Thinking by Giuseppina D'oro, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Developing a CSP Module: Taking the Nonsense out of Numbers
Project Leader(s): Bridgid Heywood

This project was designed to tackle the development of number-based skills in students, particularly for those who have no immediate need or desire to progress such a skills-base post-GCSE study. The aim was to facilitate the acquisition, processing and presentation of numerical data within a clear context to which the student could easily relate. This aim was achieved through the development of a Complementary Studies Module (CHE-10012 Making Sense of Numbers and Data) within the numeracy stream, which was delivered for the first time in 2003-04. This report describes the development of problem-based learning style materials, the structure and delivery of the module itself and an evaluation of that experience

Developing a CSP Module: Taking the Nonsense out of Numbers - Final Report

Creative Commons License
Developing a CSP Module: Taking the Nonsense out of Numbers by Bridgid Heywood, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Skill Development for Scientists through Industrial Placements: a European Perspective
Project Leader(s): David Hoole

The project was undertaken in the context of ‘aspects of the provision of employability and skills’ section of the invitation to apply and had the following aims :

a) To extend skill development within the Leonardo Scheme to incorporate other countries within Europe i.e. Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands

b) To extend the skills development programme currently offered to students in Life Sciences to other sciences at Keele University

c) Develop collaborative links with Staffordshire Graduate Link Co-ordinator, Chamber of Commerce to improve student employability and skill development within the European Initiative.

d) To explore new incentives and joint funding applications with c) above to improve and expand student skill development and employability.

Skill Development for Scientists Through Industrial Placements - Final Report

Creative Commons License
Skill Development for Scientists through Industrial Placements: a European Perspective by David Hoole, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.