Friday, 26 June 2015

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2001/02 #KATS2015

Project Title: Student Profiling
Project Leader(s): Peter Knight

The aim of this project is to provide a template for undergraduate student profiling that can easily be adapted for use in any Keele undergraduate programme, thereby facilitating the adoption of profiling throughout the University.

Student profiling is a career-long procedure whereby students develop and maintain a documentary record of their learning experiences. Correctly implemented, profiling should form the core of each student's management of their own learning. Profiling has been proposed (for example by the HEFCE funded Science Education Enhancement and Development programme) as a way of improving students’ ability to take responsibility for their own learning, and of marshalling a portfolio of documented experience that students can use in seeking employment after completing their studies.

The end result of this project will be a "profiling pack", comprising all the documentation and materials required for the profiling of one student for the length of their academic career. Departments will be able to use the profiling pack "as is" or will be able to adapt it in accordance with any unique requirements of their course. For example, each course's profiling pack may make reference to specific items from that course's skills map. The project will provide set of experience-based guidelines for profiling in the Keele context.
Creative Commons License
Student Profiling by Peter Knight, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Making (First Year) Tutorials Count
Project Leader(s): John MacMillan

“Making (First Year) Tutorials Count” seeks to develop certain difficult to assess skills of communication and argument through a radical re-structuring of the assessment regime.

Creative Commons License
Making (First Year) Tutorials Count by John MacMillan, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.