Friday, 19 February 2016

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2014/15 #KATS2015

Project Title: Using Twitter in Sociology Teaching and Learning
Project Leader(s): Ala Sirriyeh and Emma Head

The aim of this project is to assess the use of Twitter as a tool to promote enhanced student learning and engagement on a sociology module. The research will evaluate the use of Twitter as a learning tool in a new level seven module 'Race', Racism and Resistance, which will run in semester one, 2014-15. Twitter activities will be designed to connect the online and offline tasks that students are engaging in. This project will contribute to wider debates around the use of social media in higher education teaching and learning.

Using Twitter in Sociology Teaching and Learning - Final Project Report

Creative Commons License
Using Twitter in Sociology Teaching and Learning by Ala Sirriyeh and Emma Head, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Intelligence' and Success at University
Project Leader(s): Yvonne Skipper

Students can think of intelligence as being fixed or malleable. Research suggests that those with a malleable view are more likely to choose challenging learning goals, cope well with setbacks and perform better. This is because they believe that intelligence can be changed with effort.

This project involves delivering an intervention to encourage students to feel that intelligence and success are due to their efforts more than their abilities. This will involve a lecture during Freshers week and reflective activities cross the year. Students will also complete questionnaires to examine how the intervention may have impacted their views and performance.

Intelligence' and Success at University - Final Project Report

Creative Commons License
Intelligence' and Success at University by Yvonne Skipper, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.