Friday, 25 September 2015

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2008/09 #KATS2015

Project Title: Assessing Employability Skills and PDP through Personal Tutoring
Project Leader(s): Glen Hussey

To produce an enhanced tutoring system addressing the following ILOs:
  • Review and clarification of tutor/tutee expectations of the personal tutorial system presently and under the proposed scheme. 
  • Provide structure and consistency to the tutorial experience and guidance on how to best monitor student progress.
  • Incorporate PDP formally into the tutoring system introducing students to the underlying themes and allowing progressive student engagement at each level.
  • Incorporate ES formally into the tutoring system facilitating student introduction to the underlying themes and monitoring engagement.

Formally incorporating these issues into the tutorial scheme will raise their profile in terms of student engagement and thereby:
  • Offer Schools a practical way to incorporate PDP and ES into their courses. 
  • Provide tailored guidance to tutors enhancing academic understanding of PDP and ES in the student experience. 
Provide more detailed notes for student records providing a richer source of information when it comes to writing references.

Creative Commons License
Assessing Employability Skills and PDP through Personal Tutoring by Glen Hussey, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Career Development Education in Politics and International Relations
Project Leader(s): Matthew Wyman and Sarah Longwell

Career Development Education - Presentation Slides

Creative Commons License
Career Development Education in Politics and International Relations by Matthew Wyman and Sarah Longwell, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.