Friday, 18 September 2015

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2008/09 #KATS2015

Project Title: A Rehearsal for Life: Providing Dissertation Students with Access to Clinical Cases to Support Teaching and Learning in Cognitive Neuropsychology
Project Leader(s): Nicky Edelstyn

A Rehearsal for Life - Presentation Slides

Creative Commons License
A Rehearsal for Life: Providing Dissertation Students with Access to Clinical Cases to Support Teaching and Learning in Cognitive Neuropsychology by Nicky Edelstyn, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Intercalating Art and Science in a Cross-disciplinary Landscape
Project Leader(s): Peter Knight

The aim of this project is to embed a practising professional artist within a cross-disciplinary science-based module. This is intended to enhance the student experience by (i) exposing students to a viewpoint and a spectrum of professional practice that stretches beyond the conventional syllabus within the discipline, (ii) facilitating a redevelopment of the syllabus with input from the embedded artist, (iii) finding new ways to communicate science to artists and art to scientists by means of an interdisciplinary collaboration in course design and delivery.

The embedding of the artist will involve the following stages:
Collaborative engagement with course staff in production of artwork that will be used as a starting point for student activities within the module;
Involvement in workshops, seminars and project work with student groups;

Post-course review and collaboration in redevelopment of syllabus to incorporate ideas based on this experiment.

Intercalculating Art and Science - Presentation Slides

Creative Commons License
Intercalating Art and Science in a Cross-disciplinary Landscape by Peter Knight, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.