Friday, 31 July 2015

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2003/04 #KATS2015

Project Title: Crises in Victorian Thought - A Web Based Archive
Project Leader(s): Matt Cook

The project will provide a unique web-based archive of primary material, accompanied by suggested reading, biographical sketches of authors, and links to related web based resources. It will be organised into 16 sub-sections – including Sexology, Crime, Psychology, Madness, The Crowd, Feminism, Degeneration, and Eugenics – each available from the home page and linking to biographies and bibliographies. This resource will expand further in 2004/05 to include critical essays, teaching packs and further suggestions for students.

Crises in Vitorian Thought - A Web Based Archive - Final Report

Creative Commons License
Crises in Victorian Thought - A Web Based Archive by Matt Cook, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Assessing Employability Skills through Problem Based Learning
Project Leader(s): Matthew Wyman and Kylie Cross

The module is designed to guide development in a range of basic personal and practical skills. Students will be asked to apply these skills to real world problems of representation and reflect on their personal effectiveness. The module will equip students with skills that are of paramount importance in being a student representative, an indispensable part of good practice in any academic discipline and also valuable to potential employers.

Intended learning outcomes:

On completion of the module, students will have developed the following:
  • Knowledge and understanding of representative processes in the UK, and also processes within the university itself
  • Written communication skills, through production of a reflective portfolio
  • Oral communication skills, through participation in a series of practical exercises aimed at exploring effective speaking and listening techniques in a range of contexts
  • Team working skills, through sustained exploration of the way in which teams function effectively and where they fail when pursuing specific goals
  • Problem solving skills, through exploration of a range of scenarios which confront participants with practical problems in trying to function effectively as a representative
  • Self confidence through analysis of personal development
Assessing Employability Skills Through Problem Based Learning - Presentation

Creative Commons License
Assessing Employability Skills through Problem Based Learning by Matthew Wyman and Kylie Cross, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2002/03 #KATS2015

Project Title: Developing a CSP Module on Critical Thinking
Project Leader(s): Giuseppina D'oro

The module is designed to guide development in a range of basic thinking and reasoning skills and to provide students with the skills which are essential to proper presentation, analysis and criticism of arguments. Students will be asked to apply these critical and analytical tools to historical and contemporary examples. The module will equip students with skills that are of paramount importance in philosophy but which are also a) an indispensable part of good practice in any academic discipline and b) valuable to potential employers.

Creative Commons License
Developing a CSP Module on Critical Thinking by Giuseppina D'oro, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Developing a CSP Module: Taking the Nonsense out of Numbers
Project Leader(s): Bridgid Heywood

This project was designed to tackle the development of number-based skills in students, particularly for those who have no immediate need or desire to progress such a skills-base post-GCSE study. The aim was to facilitate the acquisition, processing and presentation of numerical data within a clear context to which the student could easily relate. This aim was achieved through the development of a Complementary Studies Module (CHE-10012 Making Sense of Numbers and Data) within the numeracy stream, which was delivered for the first time in 2003-04. This report describes the development of problem-based learning style materials, the structure and delivery of the module itself and an evaluation of that experience

Developing a CSP Module: Taking the Nonsense out of Numbers - Final Report

Creative Commons License
Developing a CSP Module: Taking the Nonsense out of Numbers by Bridgid Heywood, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Skill Development for Scientists through Industrial Placements: a European Perspective
Project Leader(s): David Hoole

The project was undertaken in the context of ‘aspects of the provision of employability and skills’ section of the invitation to apply and had the following aims :

a) To extend skill development within the Leonardo Scheme to incorporate other countries within Europe i.e. Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands

b) To extend the skills development programme currently offered to students in Life Sciences to other sciences at Keele University

c) Develop collaborative links with Staffordshire Graduate Link Co-ordinator, Chamber of Commerce to improve student employability and skill development within the European Initiative.

d) To explore new incentives and joint funding applications with c) above to improve and expand student skill development and employability.

Skill Development for Scientists Through Industrial Placements - Final Report

Creative Commons License
Skill Development for Scientists through Industrial Placements: a European Perspective by David Hoole, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2001/02 #KATS2015

Project Title: Developing CIT for the Delivery of Distance Learning Postgraduate Diploma and MA Courses in the Department of Human Resource Management
Project Leader(s): C.Whiston

Project Objectives:
  • To use CIT to add value to our distance learning Certificate, Post Graduate Diploma & MA courses
  • To use CIT to promote life long learning and wider access to Keele courses
Developing CIT for the Delivery of Distance Learning - Presentation Slides

Creative Commons License
Developing CIT for the Delivery of Distance Learning Postgraduate Diploma and MA Courses in the Department of Human Resource Management by C.Whiston, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Developing Undergraduate Students' Research and Writing Skills at Level 1
Project Leader(s): Farzana Shain and Sally Findlow

Following a series of discussions about the need to address core skills at level 1 the Educational Studies course management team is seeking to develop a programme of cross module support designed to develop undergraduate students’ general research and writing skills. This programme will be piloted in 2002/3 and aims specifically to improve students’ key skills of communication, improving their own performance and their use of ICT. It will be a compulsory element of level 1 work and will also be assessed.

Students will be required to build a portfolio and be supported through a series of workshops to make use of this material in the answering of questions for assessed work. The portfolio will be submitted at the end of the second semester 2002/3 and will constitute a percentage of level 1 marks. Initially, students will be required to collect hard copies of relevant material but might also be encouraged to move towards an ‘on-line’ portfolio to complement work undertaken in the compulsory semester 2 module E111 New Learning and its Technologies which is designed to develop students ICT skills. We will also seek to develop ways of incorporating tutor feedback on assessed work into the design of essay workshops.

Developing Undergraduate Students' Research and Writing Skills - Presentation

Creative Commons License
Developing Undergraduate Students' Research and Writing Skills at Level 1 by Farzana Shain and Sally Findlow, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: A New Web Resource for Music Technology Students
Project Leader(s): Diego Garro

A web-based resource for Electronic Music Studios used by year 1 Music Technology students.

A New Web Resource for Music Technology Students - Final Report

Creative Commons License
A New Web Resource for Music Technology Students by Diego Garro, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2001/02 #KATS2015

Project Title: A Web-based Module Evaluation System
Project Leader(s): Nadine Foster, Nikki Rochford, Barry Smalley and Stephen Bostock

Aim of Project:

To develop a web-based system to facilitate the rapid analysis of module evaluations. The module evaluation system will be based on one currently in use by the Physics Department.

A Web-based Module Evaluation System - Interim Report

Creative Commons License
A Web-based Module Evaluation System by Nadine Foster, Nikki Rochford, Barry Smalley and Stephen Bostock, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Key Skill Awareness and Development Initiative
Project Leader(s): Claire Slater-Mamlouk

Aims of the Project:

  • To promote the importance of Key Skills development at all levels
  • To provide a central resource as a starting point for skills development
  • To raise the profile of Learning Support and Academic Guidance by promoting its services to ALL Keele students
  • To develop the Learning Support and Academic Guidance we pages as a source of information

Key Skill Awareness and Development Initiative - Presentation Slides

Creative Commons License
Key Skill Awareness and Development Initiative by Claire Slater-Mamlouk, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Learning by Competition, by Falko Drijfhout

To enhance student engagement and interaction between students, I have started to make use of a small competition run during a lab session for second year Forensic Science students. In the corresponding module students need to solve a chromatographic problem, i.e. increase separation and efficiency of a method.

After students spend a lab session learning the basic principles of a gas chromatography and the importance of temperature programming, they are given a sample with seven compounds and an example chromatogram of an isothermal GC-analysis. Students are required, with a limited amount of time and trials, to improve the method from an isothermal analysis to a programmed temperature analysis with good resolution, but in the shortest possible time. The instructions given to them are shown below:


Experiment 1C: Optimisation of GC separation
(internal competition)

An example chromatogram (see Fig. 1) shows the results of an isothermal (80°C) analysis of the mixture of 7 compounds. Although all compounds are well separated, the analysis time is quite long.

Figure 1. Chromatogram of the isothermal analysis of mixture B

It is your task to develop a method through temperature programming to separate out all 7 compounds in the shortest possible analysis time. How you develop your method is all up to you as a group. The group who managed to get the best separation and the shortest analysis time will receive a prize!

Aim of this session:
In this laboratory session you will be able to
  • apply the knowledge of the lectures and lab session 1 to solve a problem 
  • develop your own method in which your aim is to separate out all 7 compounds within a mixture in the shortest possible analysis time 
  • achieve a resolution of minimal 1.5 (baseline separation) between peaks 2/3 and 4/5

Develop a programmed oven temperature program that is most suitable for the analysis of mixture B containing the 7 compounds.

1) What GC parameters can/should be varied
  • Initial oven temperature 
  • Hold 
  • Temperature ramp(s) 
  • Final oven temperature
2) Rules
  • You are only allowed to inject your sample a maximum of 3 times! 
  • Maximum final oven temperature is 270°C 
  • A good separation means that all resolutions should be at least 1.50 
  • Analysis time = retention time of the last compound
3) Remember:
  • Only inject when the GC is in ‘ready’ status 
  • Start the GC temperature programming at the same time as the data collection on LoggerPro 
  • You will need to present your method in a short presentation.

~~ Good Luck!! ~~


In developing their best method, they need to consider the theory and their discussions help them to use their newly obtained knowledge in solving the problem of inefficient chromatography. My experience with this approach in a lab session is that students are much more engaged in discussing their methods within their group. As they discuss how a new method may affect their chromatography they impart knowledge from one to the other and weaker students are helped in their understanding. It also gives me an opportunity the spot any misconceptions students may have, by listening to their discussions. I noticed an increase level of noise (due to increased and intensified discussions) during the lab sessions as they see the effect of a changed method, or as they want to win from peers.

I do this in the beginning of the module (week 2 or 3) and it does help to get students to discuss problems with each other or with me throughout the module.

Creative Commons License
Learning by Competition by Falko Drijfhout, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2001/02 #KATS2015

Project Title: Clinical Legal Education
Project Leader(s): Sally Sheldon and Brian Simpson

Project Aims:
  • To provide students with ‘hands-on’ experience of the law in action 
  • Expose students to ‘alternative’ types of legal practice 
  • Links University with local community 
  • Adds to attraction of Keele law programme 
  • Provides Citizens Advice Bureau with assistance in their workload

Creative Commons License
Clinical Legal Education by Sally Shelson and Brian Simpson, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Widening Access for a Typical Student
Project Leader(s): M.Ironside

Project Aims:
  • To establish a network including FE providers, OCN, and TUC. 
  • To encourage progression of mature adults from FE to HE. 
  • To provide FE students with an opportunity to sample HE. 
  • To organize a weekend residential school.
Widening Access for a Typical Student - Final Report

Creative Commons License
Widening Access for a Typical Student by M.Ironside, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.