StudyWrite was an innovation project funded by Keele University in 2012/13 a link to the project proposal and final report can be found here. The project has continued to develop and has produced some really valuable interactive resources, an update on developments can be seen below
During the past 12 months, the StudyWrite project has been piloting interactive resources that aim to improve student’s understanding of academic scholarship. Following the conclusion of this pilot, staff and student feedback has been collated and used to develop StudyWrite into a resource which has shown to be of significant benefit to students.
Amongst the feedback received, some of the stand out statistics include:
StudyWrite Plagiarism (191 respondents)
91% of students feel that it has improved their understanding of plagiarism.
97% felt that the content was clearly explained.
81% reported that interactive activities helped them to understand the material.
90% now know where to go if requiring further help regarding plagiarism.
StudyWrite Referencing (129 respondents)
88% of students feel that it has improved their understanding of referencing.
92% felt that the content was clearly explained.
89% reported that interactive activities helped them to understand the material.
90% now know where to go if requiring further help regarding referencing.
During the past few months, StudyWrite has undergone a major re-design, along with the addition of a further resource that deals with note taking and assignment planning. These resources are now freely available for all Keele University staff and students to use and can be accessed at:
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
By Dan Harding
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Learning Technologist
Amongst the feedback received, some of the stand out statistics include:
StudyWrite Plagiarism (191 respondents)
91% of students feel that it has improved their understanding of plagiarism.
97% felt that the content was clearly explained.
81% reported that interactive activities helped them to understand the material.
90% now know where to go if requiring further help regarding plagiarism.
StudyWrite Referencing (129 respondents)
88% of students feel that it has improved their understanding of referencing.
92% felt that the content was clearly explained.
89% reported that interactive activities helped them to understand the material.
90% now know where to go if requiring further help regarding referencing.
During the past few months, StudyWrite has undergone a major re-design, along with the addition of a further resource that deals with note taking and assignment planning. These resources are now freely available for all Keele University staff and students to use and can be accessed at:
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
By Dan Harding
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Learning Technologist