Sunday, 17 November 2013

Providing audio feedback to level 3 Psychology students, Professor Nicky Edelstyn

In this recording (audio file) Professor Nicky Edelstyn discusses her experiences of providing audio feedback to third year students in her special interest group.  The feedback was delivered to the students through the KLE via a private discussion journal.  The experience from a student’s perspective was quite positive, some student comments are noted below.   
“Audio feedback worked fine. I really liked feedback being presented in this way, and I feel I've got a lot more out of it than just reading a  feedback sheet.”

“I liked the audio feedback as sometimes written feedback can be misunderstood or hard to read. However, I think there were some issues in the practicalities of distributing the audio feedback- so this probably needs to be considered in more detail.”

“I found the audio feedback much more useful than the standard feedback sheet in seeing where exactly I went wrong, and could take from that a better idea of where to improve in the future. Thank you”
“I really enjoyed getting the audio feedback and I thought it was a new and inventive way of getting feedback. It was a very good idea as you were able to ask question on what you thought you didn't do well on and get clarification. So all in all I think this type of feedback should be use more universally and often.”