Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Moving from paper to online marking using Grademark, Dr Mark Featherstone

In this project Dr Mark Featherstone moved from paper based assignment marking and feedback to electronic marking and feedback using Grademark.  This was initially tried on a small piece of written work.  It worked well so Mark decided to use Grademark on a larger piece of written work (circa 2500 words for 25 students).  Outlined below are Marks findings, to summarise he found that using Grademark changed the way he marked and allowed him to provide richer more detailed feedback to students.  
Comments from the students included 
“The electronic feedback was very helpful and made my research proposal have a better direction and conclusion”
“Electronic feedback was fantastic, best and most helpful way I’ve had work marked so far at uni”

“Electronic feedback was positive and encouraging. Provided new links to further improve quality of word project”
Responses to Questions
Further details of his experience can be found here