Friday, 2 February 2018

Seeds for Solutions: Innovation Projects from 2015/16

Project Title: Technology inspired student-led interactive drug design
Project Leader(s): Mike Edwards & Tess Phillips

An interactive, technology inspired, group exercise to encapsulate the process of drug design in the teaching of Medicinal Chemistry is proposed. Students will collaborate in small groups to distil the important theoretical concepts studied into the design of new drug candidates based upon real-world examples. Built upon the intuitive visual interface of the iPad app Asteris, the exercise draws upon the benefits of student led group work to provide a fast yet innovative approach to the teaching of medicinal chemistry, and leverages communication technology to display the results. We envisage this process will have broader application to other disciplines.
Creative Commons License
Technology inspired student-led interactive drug design by Mike Edwards & Tess Phillips, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: eANT: Electronic Annotation to Enhance the Flexibility of Teaching, Assessment and Feedback
Project Leader(s): Elizabeth Symons & Reinhold Heinlein

This project will explore the use of the digital-pen facility on a Windows-based tablet to enhance student learning in two ways:

(i) Revisions to Blackboard grading allow electronically submitted assessment to be annotated as though ‘pen and paper’. This is most suitable for symbol-rich disciplines and will greatly enhance the value of feedback for students.

(ii) Presentation of course material (lectures and computer workshops) will be improved by digital pen annotation of statistical software output during sessions which will help student understanding during the demonstration. It will also assist student review of material it can be saved to the KLE.

eANT - Final Project Report

Creative Commons License
eAnt: Electronic Annotation to Enhance the Flexibility of Teaching, Assessment and Feedback by Elizabeth Symons & Reinhold Heinlein, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Creating Active Student Learners through Team-Based Learning
Project Leader(s): Graeme Jones, Tess Phillips, Chloe Harold, Laura Hancock, Falko Drijfhout & Stuart McBain

We propose to introduce Team-Based Learning into problem sessions within Foundation Year, Chemistry and Forensic Science and into workshops that are part of the Keele MBChB programme. A comparative student performance data evaluation will be undertaken as part of the introduction of TBL into Foundation Year and questionnaire data will be gathered across all subjects. We will disseminate our experiences of TBL within the University and provide TBL resources so that colleagues can incorporate TBL into their own courses.  We will also present our findings at national teaching events in our own subject disciplines. Those interested in team based learning and in using the IF-AT cards are asked to contact Graeme Jones ( 

Creative Commons License
Creating Active Student Learners through Team-Based Learning by Graeme Jones, Tess Phillips, Chloe Harold, Laura Hancock, Falko Drijfhout & Stuart McBain, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.