Friday, 23 October 2015

Seeds for Solutions, How does the past inform the future? Innovation projects from 2008/09 #KATS2015

Project Title: Modelling in the Environmental Sciences: Enhancing Employability for the Environmental Sector
Project Leader(s): Stefan Krause and Zoe Robinson

Creative Commons License
Modelling in the Environmental Sciences: Enhancing Employability for the Environmental Sector by Stefan krause and Zoe Robinson, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Diversity in the Psychology Curriculum at Keele University: A Collaborative Action Research Project
Project Leader(s): Gaby Jacobs

The objectives of the project are twofold: a) to acquire insight into diversity in the content, delivery of and assessment practices within the psychology curriculum at Keele University by conducting a diversity audit; and b) to take action to develop a more inclusive curriculum, building from the strengths within the programme and addressing the weaknesses as defined by staff members and students.

The key questions the project will answer are:

a) To what extent and in what ways is diversity incorporated into the psychology curriculum (including the postgraduate programme in counselling psychology) at Keele University?

b) What are the strengths and weaknesses and what action can be taken to enhance the consideration of diversity issues within the curriculum?

Diversity refers to the multiple and intersectional identities (of gender, ethnicity, race, religion, class, age, disability, sexuality, family constellation, childcare and employment situation, social class) of students that impact upon the HE context (Dicke & Wekker, 2004). An inclusive curriculum is reflected in a commitment to develop teaching practices and forms of organisation that respond positively to student diversity (Ainscow, 1999).

The project will specifically focus on: a) To what extent and in what ways does the psychology curriculum address diversity as a topic; b) To what extent and in what ways does the psychology curriculum cater for diversity (in teaching and assessment methods); and c) The existing knowledge and awareness of diversity, skills and attitudes towards diversity and areas of development as reported by staff members and students.‌

Diversity in the Psychology Curriculum - Presentation Slides

Creative Commons License
Diversity in the Psychology Curriculum at Keele University: A Collaborative Action Research Project by Gaby Jacobs, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.