Friday, 26 January 2018

Seeds for Solutions: Innovation Projects from 2015/16

Project Title: The Comorbidity Conundrum: an Integrated e-Learning Workspace and Mobile Application
Project Leader(s): Claire Rushton, Julie Green, Pete Lonsdale, Pauline Walsh & Umesh Kadam

Multimorbidity is an important challenge for current healthcare practice but has not yet been included in health education programmes. At SNAM a ‘6C comorbidity education framework’ has been developed to facilitate the inclusion of multimorbidity concepts into the current curricula. An integrated and interactive e-learning workspace and mobile application will activate this framework for student learning. In this workspace the framework will be applied to comorbidity patient cases with linked interactive activities and live communication opportunities for shared learning. The workspace will be fully integrated into current curricula and supported by a mobile application for transfer of skills into practice.

Creative Commons License
The Comorbidity Conundrum: an integrated e-learning workspace and mobile application by Claire Rushton, Julie Green, Pete Lonsdale, Pauline Walsh & Umesh Kadam is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: Factors for Consideration in Learning Analytics; Analysing Student Activity on the KLE to produce a more personalised and supportive system of education
Project Leader(s): Ed De Quincey & Theo Kyriacou

Traditionally a student's progress and level of engagement has been measured by assessment and physical attendance. However, in a student's day-to-day interactions with a University, other real-time measures are being generated e.g. VLE interaction. The analysis of this data has been termed Learning Analytics (LA). Following on from successful work at the University of Greenwich (de Quincey and Stoneham, 2014), this project aims to identify potential sources of data at Keele that are suitable for LA and how they can be used to produce a more personalised and supportive system of education, in the form of a Learner Dashboard.

Factors for Consideration in Learning Analytics - Final Project Report

Creative Commons License
Factors for Consideration in Learning Analytics; Analysing Student Activity on the KLE to produce a more personalised and supportive system of education by Ed De Quincey & Theo Kyriacou, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Project Title: The JADE Student Learning Conference 2016: The development of a University-wide undergraduate research conference
Project Leader(s): Chris Little

This project will deliver an undergraduate research conference in June 2016. This conference would be open to all UG students to deliver verbal and poster presentations. Furthermore, the JADE journal would guarantee publication for award-winning presentations and publish a special Student Learning edition detailing the conference proceedings.  The editorial board would be made up of staff and students, with the long-term aim that the conference becomes entirely student owned. The conference will give UG students the space to pursue and present research interests and learning complementary to and beyond summative assessment requirements.

Creative Commons License
The JADE Student Learning Conference 2016: The development of a university-wide undergraduate research conference by Chris Little, Keele University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.